The following Special District positions are up for election for the Special Elections of May 20, 2025:
Island City Area Sanitation District
Position #2 (Currently held by Carole Hewitt)
Position #4 (Currently Vacant)
Position #5 (Currently held by Alan Keffer)
Island City Cemetery Maintenance District
Position #1 (Currently held by Rico Weber)
Position #3 (Currently Vacant)
Position # 5 (Currently held by Terry Hughes)
Any person interested in filing for election will need to have been a resident of Island City Area Sanitation District and/or Island City Cemetery Maintenance District boundaries for twelve (12) consecutive months leading up to the election date of May 20, 2025.
The first date to file for election is February 8, 2025, and last day to file for election is March 20, 2025, at 12:00pm (noon).
Filing paperworks can be picked up from Island City, City Hall:
10605 Island Avenuue
Island City, OR 97850
Any questions regarding openings or filing for Election, please contact Karen Howton, 541-963-5017, email: